Sunday, 23 October 2011


Oct. 19, 2011, TV news in the day :
Gen. Kayani of Pakistan has cautioned - US must not think to treat Pak like Iraq or Afghanistan. We have Nuclear Power.

Evening news :
Pak - US crisis. Hillary Clinton rushing to Pakistan to sort out the problems.

The next day I had an opportunity to watch two kids playing Kayani - Hillary. I am sure their dialogues will amuse you.

Kayani - Don't dare to underestimate us. We have nuclear power.

Hillary - We have more nuclear power than any country in the world.

Kayani - We have ISI.

Hillary - So what ? We have FBI and CIA besides a part of ISI.

Kayani - We have LET and Taliban.

Hillary - We have Put a Ban.

Kayani - We have Al Qaida.

Hillary had a setback, but quickly shot back :
Hillary - We had raised it and have razed its chief.

Kayani - Ha Ha ! You raised Al Qaida and are blaming us. You raised Taliban and blame us. You --- you--- you---.

Hillary - What you - you - you ? Isn't it true ?

So the truth is no more a secret.  It is out. I asked the kids from where do the get their facts - "are you following the Wikileaks? Instead of  a reply they started singing a parody of a very popular ghazal :

"Bachchaa bachchaa, Burha burha, haal to saara jane hai,
 Wiki leak karegaa kyaa jab, sab jag saara jane hai."  

Monday, 10 October 2011


धर्म ग्रन्थ कहते हैं
" बोझ से दबे हुए, थके-मांदे लोगों! मेरे पास आओ. मैं तुम्हें विश्राम दूंगा."

मेरा आह्वान -
" विश्राम करते लोगों तथा ज़िन्दगी की कठिनाइयों से जूझते हुए लोगों - सभी मेरे साथ गाओ" -
" ज़िन्दगी कितनी खुबसूरत है. बस इसी सोच की ज़रूरत है."

16 फरवरी 2011
टी.वी. के समाचार चैनेल पर - विपक्ष द्वारा इस्तीफे की मांग पर प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह "मैं इस्तीफ़ा नहीं दूंगा. मैं कभी हार नहीं मानूंगा."

तभी किसी ने रिमोट से चैनेल बदल दिया तो लता मंगेशकर की सुरीली आवाज़ में  गाना सुनाई  दिया 

" हार के हार नहीं माने , मनमोहना बड़े झूठे ."


Question : What do you advise for Diabetics' craving for sweets ?

Answer :   There is no dearth of sweets for them either.

Sweet memories,
Sweet home,
Sweet heart,
Sweet kisses,
Sweet nothings ......


Ad. in TOI, New Delhi, 16-02-2011 (Ascent)

Tall, slim and goodnatured girl for smart young "  Guess the next word. No. Its not boy or executive or such. Next word was - Airline.  It was a placement ad for Indigo Airlines.


Full page ad in a leading news paper

" LISTERINE MOUTHWASH - It's Dynamite for Germs"

Question : Do we dynamite our mouth to get rid of germs ?

Answer :   No. You don't need dynamite. You need a Germicide. The best one is Listerine.
