Tuesday, 10 January 2012


I have been following the Middles in TOI for ages, in fact from the time even before entering my middle age a few decades back. Once I had heard a definition of a TV Serial - the boring portion in between the commercials. The commercials do control the media, including the print one - the news papers, which may have up to 70% of its space occupied by ads. Whatever space is used for news is enough to sadden you with reports of crimes (murder, rape, loot etc), accidents & disasters (natural as well as man made), scams, corruption, terrorism etc. etc. The Middles surely provide an opportunity to smile. This must be the reason of printing the 'Smiley' to identify the Middles these days.

Another thing I notice is that the Middle, which used to occupy the 'Center Stage' in the Edit Page earlier, has been, shall we say, marginalized? Surely it has shifted toward the left margin - directly below the Editorial, or should we say the Middle has acquired the Editorial Crown?

Whatever you say, I fail to understand why Virat or Ishant should show the Middle finger in Australia. Arrey Bhai, you could show the little one. No one would mind. Rather someone may guide you to a corner or loo. You may show the Ring one, even then no one will mind. They may guess your marital status though. Even Pointer would have been harmless - you may be pointing a fly or other insect on someones dress. Why the Middle? I would say if you don't have special fascination for finger, use Thumb. Show your THENGA to their comments and taunts to imply that you don't give a damn to anything but your game. Do this Thumbs Up with full sincerity and your game will force them to cheer you and for you.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Naya Saal

ग्यारह हो गया नौ दो ग्यारह ,
आया 'नया' साल सन बारह ,
दुःख - कष्टों से छुटकारा दे ,
अपने सबके  हों  पौ बारह .

नया साल मुबारक .
वी. सी. राय 'नया'